domingo, 2 de julio de 2017



¿Estás buscando inspiración para decorar tu hogar, y no encuentras cuál es el estilo que mejor se adapta a tus gustos?

Pues no busques más, porque he recopilado para ti los 3 estilos de interiores más utilizados en los hogares modernos. En realidad, estos estilos, se obtienen de mezclar diversos elementos de varios estilos de decoración. Pero es necesario conocer los aspectos fundamentales de cada uno, para que puedas decorar tu hogar por ti mismo.

Además de éstos que hoy te muestro, hay más formas de decorar interiores, pero en este caso, quiero centrarme en los principales estilos que están en tendencia. Espero que esta lista te haga descartar aquellos elementos que no combinan con tus gustos. Para que consigas el estilo que mejor se adapte a lo que realmente necesitas.

¿Quieres descubrir cuáles son los 3 estilos más populares en decoración de interiores?

1. Mid-Century Moderno

El modernismo fue un movimiento vanguardista internacional que surgió a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX y se extendió a casi todas las artes incluidas la arquitectura y el diseño. Enmarcado en una época de desarrollo industrial, esta tendencia artística tenía como objetivo innovar en la estética, en lo formal, sin descuidar la real utilidad de los objetos.

Se unió el proceso productivo con el desarrollo artesanal, de esta manera se guardaba la elegancia de los elementos con la funcionalidad. Este trabajo dio sus frutos, y llevó a una revolución de las estructuras. Se consiguieron resultados increíbles jugando con el vidrio, el metal, el hierro forjado o distintos tipos de madera, materiales en los que siempre primaba la calidad.

La época dorada de este movimiento que fue a mediados del siglo XX y de ahí el nombre: Mid Century Modern. Los acabados eran mucho más sencillos, sin muchos detalles, pero con una alta funcionalidad. De ahí que siempre cumpliese con las características de forma y función. Tuvo gran auge en los países escandinavos, aquí se apostaba por un diseño tecnológico, funcional y asequible. (Estilo nórdico)

Fue un estilo visionario e innovador para su época que sigue vigente en la actualidad en especial en el mobiliario, donde encontramos piezas que se convirtieron en iconos de diseño.

Características del Mid Century Modern

  • Formas sencillas, lineales y limpias, de elegancia sutil.
  • Eliminación de detalles innecesarios.
  • Se muestran las formas y las estructuras, no se esconden.
  • Se incluyen en el diseño, elementos de producción industrial.
  • Prevalece la naturaleza, adaptando la vivienda a ella y utilizando elementos materiales naturales como la madera.
  • Fluidez y horizontalidad entre los diferentes espacios de la casa

Además, de maneras creativas de utilizar nuevos materiales como el plástico moldeado, madera contrachapada y de aluminio en diseño industrial. Estas piezas resultantes, son muy versátiles y pueden complementar una gran variedad de estilos de diseño.

También puedes encontrar consejos y trucos para tu decoración si lo buscas como Vintage Moderno.

2. Escandinavo (hygge)

Una ramificación del movimiento moderno de mediados de siglo XX. El diseño escandinavo introdujo un aspecto funcional y minimalista, dentro de la arquitectura de interiores durando así, hasta nuestros días. Aunque la mayoría de la gente asocia con IKEA , hay una variedad o subconjunto de estilo, dentro del mismo diseño escandinavo.

El estilo hygge se basa en el bienestar de las personas a través de la creación de un entorno sencillo y que transmita paz y tranquilidad. La búsqueda de la felicidad es el principal fin de esta decoración que, a través de los pequeños detalles, trata de crear un ambiente que favorezca la calma disfrutando de las pequeñas cosas de la vida.

¡Y qué mejor manera que estando a gusto en tu hogar!

Características del estilo escandinavo (hygge)
  • Sencillez, uniformidad de colores
  • Contornos suaves
  • Equilibrio de materiales orgánicos e industriales
  • Muebles de formas sencillas, contemporáneos y funcionales.
  • Elementos básicos pero que aporten calidez y confort al ambiente
  • Colores claros, blancos, beige o grises.

Y es que hygge (por su origen danés), es de estética encantadora, simple y natural, casi rústica.

3. Clásico renovado o clásico moderno

Una nueva versión del más antiguo de todos, el clásico. Su vertiente más actual, no de la original, ya que son pocos los que renuevan su casa o local con la versión más pura. El estilo clásico ha evolucionado hacia ambientes más contemporáneos dejando atrás, la pesadez de las telas y las maderas nobles.

Los acabados oscuros y el “horror vacui” que hacía que todo el espacio estuviese recargado, fuese extremadamente opulento.

Tips para conseguir un decoración clásica renovada

  • Contraste entre la claridad de paredes blancas y el mobiliario generalmente oscuro, aunque también se pueden ver espacios totalmente claros. (Tanto el espacio como el mobiliario)
  • Se mantienen las formas tradicionales como las molduras en paredes, techos y puertas, rodapiés de altura considerable.
  • Mobiliario de líneas más sencillas de esencia conservadora, se combinan con telas de gran calidad. Lisas o con estampados sutiles de colores suaves que apenas destaquen.
  • Mezcla de piezas más modernas a través de su diseño o por su material de acabo. Como el contraste de sofá en capitoné junto a mesas de cristal y brillante metal.

Esta ha sido mi particular visión de los estilos de decoración de interiores que están en tendencia este año. Aunque algunos llevan vigentes más de tres siglos y otros varias décadas

martes, 6 de enero de 2015


My favorite movie: Life of Pi

Movie plot :

The story begins in Canada, a writer visits the Indian storyteller Pi Patel and asks him to tell his life story. Pi tells the story of his childhood in Pondicherry, India, and the origin of his nickname.
Pi's father named him "Piscine Molitor after a swimming pool in France. By the time he reached secondary school, he changed his name to "Pi" (the Greek letter, π) because he was tired of being called "Pissing Patel" (due to the pronunciation of his name).  One day, his father, a zoo owner, explains that the municipality is no longer supporting the zoo and he has hence decided to move to Canada, where the animals the family owns would also be sold. They board on a Japanese cargo ship with the animals and out of the blue, there is a storm, followed by a shipwrecking. Pi survives in a lifeboat with a zebra, an orangutan, a hyena and a male Bengal tiger nicknamed Richard Parker. They are adrift in the Pacific Ocean, with aggressive hyena and Rickard Parker getting hungry.

Hyena ate a zebra,and after ate the orangutan, the tiger ate the hyena.

Pi needs to find a way to survive with tiger.

Some time later, the lifeboat reaches the coast of Mexico. Pi is crushed emotionally that Richard Parker does not acknowledge him before disappearing into the jungle. Pi is rescued and brought to a hospital. Insurance agents for the Japanese company that owned the freighter interview him, but do not believe his story and ask what "really" happened. Pi tells a different story, in which he shares the lifeboat not with animals, but with his mother, a Buddhist sailor with a broken leg, and the cook. In this story, Pi says that the cook killed the sailor in order to eat him and use him as bait. In a later struggle, Pi's mother pushed her son to safety on a smaller raft before the cook murdered her and threw her body overboard. Pi then took the knife and killed the cook, and managed to survive on the cook's flesh until reaching Mexico. The insurance agents are not satisfied with this story either, but they leave without questioning Pi any further.

Next, Yann notes the parallels between the two stories: the orangutan was Pi's mother, the zebra was the sailor, the hyena was the cook, and Richard Parker was Pi. Pi asks which story the writer prefers, and Yann chooses "the one with the tiger" because it is "the better story", to which Pi responds, "Thank you. And so it goes with God". Glancing at a copy of the insurance report, Yann sees that the agents wrote that Pi survived 227 days at sea with an adult Bengal tiger, meaning they had also chosen to record the more fantastic story.


Piscine Molitor Patel (Pi) –  The novel’s protagonist, Pi is born in Pondicherry, India and raised among wild animals, as his father is a zookeeper. Pi gets his unusual name from a famous swimming pool in Paris. He has a deep affinity with religion from a young age, and practices Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. Pi is the narrator for most of the novel, as he tells the story of his 227 days stranded in the Pacific Ocean. During his ordeal Pi finds an incredible resourcefulness and survival instinct within himself, but he also stoops to gruesome acts in his desperation. After his rescue in Mexico, Pi attends the University of Toronto, where he studies zoology and religion. He marries and has two children, and the author declares that Pi’s story “has a happy ending.”

  Richard Parker  –  A three-year-old male royal Bengal tiger who is Pi’s companion on the lifeboat. Richard Parker was captured as a cub by a hunter named Richard Parker, but in the accompanying paperwork the tiger’s name was switched with the hunter’s. The tiger is the epitome of beauty, power, and danger, and he and Pi live in respective territories on the lifeboat. When they reach Mexico, Richard Parker disappears into the jungle without looking back. This “botched goodbye” pains Pi for the rest of his life. In Pi’s second account of his ordeal Richard Parker is actually a part of Pi himself, and a representation of the violent things Pi had to do in order to survive.


Do you ever go into internet chat rooms? Why? Why not?

Yes, I do. Usually I am chatting with my uncle and cousins in USA, helps me a lot at work because I can communicate with my colleagues and bosses that are in another city.

Also I use it when I study because I can talk in order to coordinate with my classmates and teachers for group meetings and group chats,  which I send files and images of  projects that leave me in the institute.

At one time this tool has helped to make friends not only in Peru but also in other countries, allowed me to meet new people around the world.
Some friends have found a couple by this way.
When I traveled Ecuator I used the chat rooms every day to talk to my family here in Peru.

And the best thing is that it is free!!!!!!!

Also I can mention the main chats rooms, which are
-Facebook chat
-Gmail chat
- Hotmail chat
- Skype      

- Yahoo chat

That's all that I can tell you about chat rooms.

domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2014


What do you think about healthy food?

I think about the healthy food, is beneficial to health, and provides all the essential nutrients and energy that each person needs to stay healthy.

Usually "healthy" food are that ones you can find in an orchard, they are natural foods, organic foods, whole foods, and sometimes vegetarian or dietary supplements. Such products are sold in health food stores or in the health/organic sections of supermarkets.
A well-fed person has more opportunities:

     • To develop fully
     • Healthy Living
     • Learn and work better
     • Protect yourself from diseases

The varied diet ensures the incorporation and use of all the nutrients, that we need to grow and healthy living.

Healthy eating, not only improves the quality of life at all ages, has been shown to prevent the development of diseases such as:

-       Obesity
-       Diabetes
-       Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
-       Hypertension
-       Dyslipidemia
-       Osteoporosis
-       Some cancers
-       Anemia
-       Infections

Also, I have to tell you about four types of foods you should not miss in a healthy diet

-       fruits

The fruit is an important source of vitamins and minerals. It is a food that contains fat, and helps us maintain proper cell function. Therefore eat daily is necessary, prevents premature aging. It is also true that the fruit contains carbohydrates, so we cannot abuse of them, and we must consume them at morning, because that’s the moment when the metabolism works faster and is easier to consume excess glucose.

-       vegetables

Like fruit contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals, making this food group an essential daily for healthy diet. Vegetables also don´t provide us fat and help us to maintain good function of the body. This type of food can be consumed at any time, just need to know how to prepare to avoid adding fat. So eat steamed, roasted or raw is the best choice.

-       fish

Fish is one of the best protein sources at our disposal. Fish offers very high biological proteins and easily assimilated by the body value. This nutrient is needed to maintain muscles and tissues in perfect condition. But not only the fish gives us this nutrient, but we must emphasize its mineral content and low calories.

-       cereals

Cereals are the basic diet of all human, as that provide carbohydrates. All cereals we also provide B vitamins, necessary for the proper functioning of the body. A point to consider is to choose the type of cereal that we will eat , and it must be integral for better use of our organism and not take spikes of glucose


What do you know about “Human Wonders”?


Regarding to the question, I read an interesting article focusing on the engineering wonders of the world.

With the passing of the years people have different needs and problems, so the engineers had to create, design and make amazing things which satisfy human needs somehow or other.

Below I’m going to resume about 10 engineering wonders of the world; they are made to solve many problems and to make our lives easier.

1. - Akashi Kaikyō Bridge (Japan)

This bridge is the world’s largest cable bridge and there are no pillars for the supports. It has the longest central span of any suspension bridge in the world, at 3911 meters

2. - Millau Viaduct (France)

It is the tallest bridge in the world with one mast’s summit at 3430 meters (1,125 ft) above the base of the structure.

3. - USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) (USA)

USS George H. W. Bush stretches 1,092 feet and displaces over 100,000 tons, making her one of the world’s largest warships (though it is slightly shorter than USS Enterprise) but equipped with latest technology which was not used before

4. - North European Gas Pipeline

(Russia – Germany) 

North European Gas Pipeline is an offshore natural gas pipeline from Vyborg in Russia to Greifswald in Germany. It is the longest sub-sea pipeline in the world, and was inaugurated on 8 October 2012. At 1,222 kilometers (759 mi) length.

5. - Beijing National Stadium (China)

World’s largest steel structure, Beijing National Stadium also known as the Bird’s Nest is a stadium in Beijing.

6. - Bailong Elevator (China)

The highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world, The Bailong Elevator is a glass elevator built onto the side of a huge cliff in the Wulingyuan area of Zhangjiajie, that is 1,070 feet (330 m) high.

The highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world, The Bailong Elevator is a glass elevator built onto the side of a huge cliff in the Wulingyuan area of Zhangjiajie, that is 1,070 feet (330 m) high.

7. - Palm Islands (United Arab Emirates)

Here is another great example of the Modern Engineering’s success, these islands are the world’s biggest artificial islands in Dubai, There are 1500 villas in it and all are on the artificial beaches. The islands are the Palm Jumeirah, the Palm Jebel Ali and the Palm Deira.

8. - Eurotunnel (England-France)

It’s the second longest underwater tunnel in the world; this is an amazing sample of the Modern Engineering, this tunnel start from England and End in France. Interest thing is that this is in water. The length of this tunnel is 31 miles and 23 of which is in the sea.

9. - Three Gorges Dam (China)

The Three Gorges Dam is the world’s largest power station in terms of installed capacity (22,500 MW). Not only does it produce electricity for the area, provides flood storage space. Construction of the dam began in 1994; it opened for commercial operation in 2008.

10. - Pan-STARRS (USA)

Pan-STARRS is an acronym for Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System. It is the most advanced telescope in the world. It is an innovative design for a wide-field imaging facility developed at the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy. A key objective of Pan-STARRS is to identify and characterize Earth-approaching objects, both asteroids & comets that might create a danger to our planet. It’s also ideal for research in several other astronomical areas.